Attention Problems, Nervous System Issue
Parent Support Zoom Group
Many years ago, in working with a group of parents and their children, it became apparent the support and direction, parents with special needs can fill for one another. Parents with children on Many parents with children, of any age with special needs, face very different struggles and dilemmas that their peers with neuro-typical children… Read more »
Attention and Focus Camp Announcement
Attention and Focus Issues Camp
Back Mountain Musi Therapy has recently been seeing children with attention and focus issues. So this summer we are going to run the first summer series of small group camps for children that have difficulty attending age appropriately. Back Mountain Music Therapy will be running small “attention and focus issues” groups. These groups will run… Read more »
Family to Family Support
This blog is a precursor to a survey that has gone out on social media. A few years ago, when I was running Music Therapy sessions out of my home, I had a small group of kids I worked with as a group. The mothers of these children sat at my kitchen table together as… Read more »
Affect, The Foundation To Growth and Relationship!
Last week I wrote about “Why Music Therapy?”. The idea for this blog post came as I was working on telehealth. During a telehealth session, I realized how important affect was to our relationship. I noticed how much I utilized the means of emotion in the session to even a greater degree than I had… Read more »
Why “Music” Therapy?
What is Music Therapy anyway? I know you go to physical therapy to help your weak muscles and joints. I know you go to speech therapy to work with language. But what is “Music” Therapy for? While working with a particular individual this week, I realized the importance of being “musical” in the way we… Read more »
Regression, Information or Opportunity?
The 20-21 pandemic has brought a great degree of discomfort to many. The illness itself has had catastrophic effects on some. The “quarantine” has had an effect on us all. The length of this has increased its volume. The volume, combined with the change in routine has, worn and stressed many. The positives, tend to… Read more »
“…Part of the Growth, Part of the Process”
Over the many years of working with individuals in Music Therapy, I have had guardians bring up similar topics. Numerous times I have had guardians concerned about behaviors or self-diagnosed “regression” by watching a particular behavior. We need to pause a second. Let’s change our perspective at a moment. Let’s look at where… Read more »