How To Nuture Developmental Progress That Your Child Will Love

Sometimes kids need a little nudge, and then sometimes they just need to let go and have fun – that’s when it all comes together! These recent weeks I have seen, or heard about, unusual behaviors from two of my autistic clients. Apparently, once again demonstrating the quote “All behavior is communication.” Both children, a… Read more »

Secrets of Repetitive Behaviors and Organized People

Sometimes when kids have had an “out of the cave” moment, they need to go back to something familiar, to feel safe, know where they are in life before moving on.  Sometimes we become agitated or concerned (as parents, teachers or therapists) that a child is regressing, however we all do that sort of thing… Read more »

“Life is not a Race”

One of my childrens teachers handed this out the night when we met the teachers. I just loved this and thought I would share it: “Life is not a race – but indeed a journey. Be honest. Work hard. Be choosy. Say “thank you,” and “great job” to someone each day. Take time for reflection… Read more »

Sensory Integration – Meeting the Need

Symptoms of autism, hand flapping, unusual sounds, toe walking are just some of them. What are they all about and what are we to do about them? I must once again refer to my previous blogging quote by Temple Grandin,”All behavior springs from a reason, and all behavior is communication.” What are we to do… Read more »

Treatment of Autism

In the treatment of autism,or really, the progress of any individual, there is something we all must remember. Progress is never a direct line forward. Specifically with autism, there must always be a careful watch on our own expectations of progress. We must always remember the individual and realize we need to see progress as… Read more »

Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorders Conference

I am very excited and have been looking forward to this event since August! This week I will be attending the Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorders Conference  at The Center For Discovery in Hurleyville New York!  I am sure this Fridays Newsletter will have amazing information I hope to bring home with me! Stay Tuned!