Once again, Back Mountain Music Therapy is taking to the internet. The business has been busy and is looking to update. The owner (myself, Antoinette Morrison) has been busy working in schools, seeing private clientele, supervising at Marywood University and mentoring interns that have completed their academic work and are doing their mandatory internship hours… Read more »
Category: Music Therapy, Bottom up Approach
Allowing Clients to Wander
As business has been expanding and the academic year is well established, an issue that is initially hard for students to understand in a productivity-oriented society, is allowing clients to “wander” in therapy. There have been times my students have referred to this as clients “being bored”. My reply is: “Perhaps, but this is a… Read more »
Welcome to the exciting re-opening of backmountainmusictherapy.com! As you can see, I have not completely figured out the new website builder yet, however, I will be taking a new class to learn the intricacies of blogging/website building! Please feel free to click any of the links above for information regarding music therapy.
Attention, Attention! Updates to BMMT Website
Dear Readers, We are pleased to announce the first of our new changes and additions to Back Mountain Music Therapy. The first is our new email contact address: Antoinette.Morrison@BackMountainMusicTherapy.com. Additionally, we will be soon adding new profile pages to our website including new additions to our team.. Back Mountain Music Therapy is growing and we want… Read more »
Resistance and the ‘Why’ Propelling It
This week, I had to catch up on a couple of weeks’ worth of notes (not my typical routine) for one of my clients, an adult with intellectual disabilities. Fortunately, I had been video-recording his sessions and could replay them back. I have a little break right now in-between contracts, and it was a rainy… Read more »
The Importance of Rhythm in Life and Development
I have been working with a client who whose parents called me to inform me of his needs: he was unable to concentrate well or make any close friends or belong to any groups despite a friendly disposition. When the boy came to see me, I could tell he was a very friendly, outgoing, happy… Read more »
Pause Before the Climb
Hello once again to those of you who have been patient and persistent enough not to unsubscribe me from your mailbox despite my long silence. The Marywood Music Therapy Department has continued to grow and amidst its growth, it’s wonderfully progressive Music Therapy Director, Dr. Anita Gadberry, has moved on to University of North Dakota…. Read more »
The Process, Having a Keen Eye
Hello to all my faithful readers! It has been almost a year since my last blog writing and reflecting on the many months, I thought that this was the most appropriate subject to come back with. Last fall, an unexpected job opened up which I applied for and subsequently filled as Coordinator and Supervisor of… Read more »
The Importance of Clear and Specific Documentation
Sometimes we need to be patient with ourselves and then extend this virtue to our clientele in order for progress to develop. In the midst of this, our documentation and education of those we work with and their families needs to be very specific and clear. If everyone has a clear expectation, not only does… Read more »
Do You Have to Go Back to Work Now?
Previously, I have focused my writings on actually enjoying what one does and how important that is in therapy. This week I thought I would go back to one of my own daily stories about this. I very recently began a new summer contract with preschool children with special needs. I knew before arriving that… Read more »