Category: Music Therapy, Bottom up Approach

Twelve lasting Effects of Music Therapy

This year my two sons were in their freshman year of college and junior year in high school, respectively. Two boys, who chances are, may one day be household heads. You could say the dominating terms in our household at this time were (are) “college” and “job market”. I was havng a conversation with one… Read more »

Autism and Therapies; “Custom Fit ” versus “One Size Fits All”

I personally have difficulty using behavioral therapies as the “proven” therapies to use for a child who does not have a behavioral problem but rather has a neurological one. I recently saw a video put out by Dr. John Carpente of Molloy College on DIR Floortime and “Play”. Check out this DIR/Floortime Research…thanks Carol Ann LoPinto Blank for sharing this……. Read more »

7 Signs That Demonstrate Speech Is Possible

I recently worked with a couple of non-verbal autistic boys who were having wonderful sessions. The very next day I ran across an article online by Margaret A Fish, MS,CCC-SLP. The article was entitled Development In Children With Severe Childhood Apraxia Of Speech – Later that day, a mother of a Downs Syndrome son… Read more »

Alternate Sources for Autism – No Hoops To Jump Through

I have written numerous times about using “stim” behaviors in autistic children as learning tools. However this blog is referring to having a Music Therapy Practice in an area where Music Therapy appears to be a new concept. I recently attended an IEP meeting where it was suggested that if the parents were interested in music for… Read more »