DIR Flooritme, wait, I thought you did Music Therapy?……….. Back Mountain Music Therapy, The Heyward Rooms LLC (BMMT) is a small private clinic employing Music Therapists who have trained and recived certifications working within the DIR Framework. We offer an optional model to the Behavioral ABA model. We are the only DIR accreditted clinic in NorthEast Pa.
What is DIR ? It is the “Developmental, Individual Differences, and Relationship Based Model . This evidenced- based, bottom up, strength’s based model , Floortime is the practice of that. The DIR framework is a manner of understanding the lifespan of human Development , from birth to advanced years. DIR looks at how each individual takes in the world, understands it and then relates to it daily. This model emphasizes the impact of relationships and emotions on that perception of the world and interacting with others.
At BMMT, when we work with Individual clients and their families, we look at these aspects of the individual’s world and functioning:
The “D,” their individual “Development” process and how that effects the understanding of the individual’s perceptions .
The “I”, thier “Individual Differences” , are respected and engaged with. The sensory, cultural, preference and strength differences that help define how each individual percieves the world is what makes up our individual differences.
The “R” Relationship. BMMT values the joyful, affective, attuned nature of relating to another, creating a deep sense of security. BMMT also facilitates relationships between our clients and their primary caretatakers, such as parents, spouses or guardians.
In these safe, nuturing, surroundings, our clients feel understood, connected and validated. The joyful interactions utilzed within the DIR framwork encourage the capacities of self-regulation, engagement, communication, shared social problem solving, and organized, creative reflective thinking.This model is used to help clients with developmental challenges,mental health, and social-emotional struggles. Back Mountain Music Therapy, The Heyward Rooms LLC is accredditted with the ICDL (International Council of Development and Learning). BMMT demosntrates it’s dedication and committment to individuals and families through our experience, understanding and advanced DIR floortime trainings.